I bought the FFIX guide largely because of how useful the FFVIII guide was.
I bought the FFIX guide largely because of how useful the FFVIII guide was.
That has nothing to do with gamer culture and everything to do with anonymity bringing out the worst in people.
You want to see gamer culture? Watch SGDQ this summer. Or RPG Limit Break just finished and is on Youtube. THAT’S gamer culture. When you strip away the anonymity, it’s people coming together to have fun. Is…
There’s probably a difference between you fasting daily and someone fasting only during this particular celebration each year. The human body does a pretty good job figuring out when to expect food if it’s a regular schedule of some kind.
I don’t! When someone starts chewing into a microphone I leave.
Well remember that religions spread. Not just through family lines, but through cultural exchange with others. When caravaners from the middle east journied across Asia trading their wares they took Islam with them. For a while, Russia and north and central Asia had a VERY large Muslim population.
There seems to be a misunderstanding going on in some of these replies.
Well as long as your priorities are clear.
Yeah of course, religion is cultural.. just not exclusively.
Don’t forget, Japanese bathroom technology is from the fucking future. Their bathtubs maintain water temperature for you and even let you know when the water is where you want it.
I don’t do it regularly, mostly because I don’t have time. I did take one several months ago because my muscles were sore af and it sounded like a good idea.
Has it occurred to you she’s on to something?
Interesting. Not the tack I’d have taken.
Man, people will find any excuse they can to just be a dick for being a dick’s sake.
Yeah he was. You use pro players to promote your pro league. I assume they stopped using him for that after he turned out to be a savage cheater.
Personally I very much appreciate you not eating on camera, or more specifically, not eating into a damn microphone. It’s fucking disgusting.
Read the article and maybe you’d understand.
Some of them did. Islam does have converts.
Weren’t those guys banned too?
Yeah that’s a lot of steps, but it doesn’t really take that long.
Y’know I think I only ever built a deck entirely from cash for one deck and it was casual af but used a lot of cards that people just didn’t have laying around at the time. Other than that, I’ve traded or played events and won packs (and then traded that stuff). Hell other than event entry fees I doubt I’ve actually…