Callidora Black

More so, actually. A lot of men who refused the help of a surgeon during wars of that era survived, while their similarly afflicted comrades who accepted their help died.

I read exactly what you said, but you totally ignored the other half of what she said.

Yeah, because two is what we think of as a litter...

I think it's unethical for us to use artificial wombs to make babies when there are millions of kids who are waiting to be adopted in the world. We're overpopulated already.

Rather than wasting time on "approved commenter" nonsense, perhaps bloggers should be able to promote people to moderator on their blogs, empowering them to hide/remove terrible things rather than forcing them to waste their time approving the infinitely more okay things people post. This seems to go fine on Disqus...

Wasn't Burner though, it was Twitter.

I do have a worthwhile suggestion. I've posted it a few times in the comments. Have a look.

Moderators and the ability to flag posts for content, like Disqus has.

I came up with one. Only put media upload comments in pending status. Leave the text ones alone.

Well, back to the greys! It's been nice being heard on these sites, but I guess that won't be happening anymore. I really wish they'd consider only putting media upload comments into "pending" status rather than dumping everyone who hasn't been followed by a given author back into the void entirely. Thanks a lot,

I guess I'm one of those weirdos who doesn't desperately need to use Facebook group chat on my phone then, because I truthfully never noticed.

It's funny how people who have decided to give up on enjoying life take so much time to call other people immature, just because they haven't let life beat them down yet. Get over yourself.

It's a good idea to give a nice card and a gift that isn't expensive, but that says "We thought this would make you happy." Something as simple as a gift card that covers two movie tickets at their local theater is a thoughtful gift that will encourage them to take time to go out and have fun as newlyweds, and it

My bet's on jail.

I'm not even going to count the bingos here. If true, this mom got exactly what she deserved, and maybe the vicious little shit she raised learned a lesson about pissing off strangers. Deal with it.

I can't be sure, but if you notice, people somewhat instinctively take something fragile or precious with both hands to avoid dropping it. Perhaps the people of Nepal take that very seriously and find taking things with one hand to be a commentary on their value, intrinsic or otherwise.

It wasn't irrational when that belief began. It was true for reasons you can find out by Googling. It just is now.

Now playing

If you've got a problem with "Japanese-y", bring it up with Utada Hikaru.

Yeah, here in New York, if you order it "regular", you might get sugar and cream or milk or god knows what for sure. If you want it black, say you want it black. If you want cream or sugar or milk. Ask for it. I don't quite know why we have to make things complicated by being pennywise and pound foolish with words.