
Rebuttal: Griffin has been complicit in bringing all of this on himself. And I say that as someone who has desperately wanted him to succeed for the last 3 seasons. I’ve even defended the absurd trade that brought his pick to DC (and now feel stupid for repeatedly doing so).

While you’re at it, can you wish for a pot of gold for me, too? Thanks for your consideration.

I wasn’t referring to, or worried about jobs in the athletic department. I was referring to the poli-sci staffing and admin jobs that would be lost. As far as raising the academic requirements to those of regular students? That will NEVER happen. High Schools give just as much preferential treatment to athletes as

I personally want these guys to go after Fuckbook if only to see how news outlets try to post the word “Fuckbook” in articles and titles.

You’re kidding, right? This is a blackmailer’s dream. Millions of dudes hoping and praying that their “beloved” wives and precious children don’t find out that they’re actually fake liars? Most men would pay dearly even for a slim chance of stopping that from happening.

So...a wife who kills her abuser because she snaps when she learns that he hasn’t only been beating and deriding her for years but also cheating? Gee, nothing like that has ever happened before in the history of the world...

Sandusky was a pedophile, it’s pretty fucked up that you would equate him to a closeted gay man.

Marketing and the fact that stupid dudes likes to show their dick pix even if it’s to bots.

Nobody’s going to get blackmailed over an XBox Live account.

This is certainly terrible news...but we can’t lose sight of what’s really important: Did he have an account on Ashley Madison?

Well, but I think there might be more than one origin story here. I didn’t even know about this hip hop song, and I hear the word and intuitively think of a no strings attached kind of guy. Isn’t it also used by gay men? I mean, I take your point and think it’s true for many many things, but fuckboy? I dunno.

Same here - an old who referred to pretty, yet kinda dumb boys who were good for a screw but not someone you wanted to spend time with outside of bed. AKA slampiece.

Well how do you feel about black people igonring William Shakespeare when the use the word “swag”? After all, he was the one to coin that term.

Oh, bae. Is it a noun? is it a verb? Is it another shortening of baby, such as boo? I JUST DONT KNOW GET OFF MY LAWN!

It is one of the more grating fallacies of her writing when it comes to co-opting of POC culture.

Can confirm. I had a ‘fuckboy’ in college in the early 90s

Yeah, no. I deleted the app and canceled my subscription and I feel zero regret at doing so. They can try to backtrack and say, “well, we’re not REALLY going to stalk you and use all of your personal info for a quick buck”, but I am not that gullible. I highly advise anybody that enjoys being a private citizen or who

I NEVER paint with a broad brush. Pretty much everything in Texas sucks.

Excuse you, but Dan is an artíste, and only does the classiest of tattos, such as bears smoking joints and a triple-scoop icecream cone with lightning bolts on a person’s cheek. A single word in elegant script on a neck is just gauche. I mean, she’d probably come to regret that neck tattoo of her child’s name,

I’ll start out by saying that your neck tat is fucking hot, and super classy, and just about as opposite-of-tacky as I could possibly imagine any neck tattoo being.