On a recent flight from Cancun to Los Angeles, wifi service was not available until we entered US airspace, which was a good mid-way through the flight. What's the reason behind this? There were just vague wordings related to FCC rules I think.
On a recent flight from Cancun to Los Angeles, wifi service was not available until we entered US airspace, which was a good mid-way through the flight. What's the reason behind this? There were just vague wordings related to FCC rules I think.
haha, I know right? I bought the season on iTunes - meh, it turned out super cheesy but at the time that shit was exciting!
Jason Thompson looks super good. He was such a crush for me for so long. Dr. Patrick Drake *le sigh* (I'm over him now)
My work is complete :)
#porfaplease LOVE this. Awesome response by Ms. Mark-Viverito
See and I think it looks like the opposite, her dress is lacy and long (or short) while everyone else is wearing something a little more "solid" (can't think of the word, brain not working right today). Especially with the ring of flowers on her head, she looks like the bride!
haha! You are absolutely correct. *le sigh* oh the memories :)
Wow, I think Tamah may be the unknown twin of my ex-boyfriend. He absolutely can/did write wild screeds like this to the courts, newspapers, anywhere and everywhere.
yes if only we could tether without paying for me. And your post just highlights the insanity - $20 for a single person for unlimited texting but $30 for the whole family?
that's exactly what I've thought about this situation. Folks cheering Blac Cyna for shit-talking Kylie? My BF dumps me for a 17 year old, number 1 - it's HIM I'd be talking shit about. numer 2: She's 17?! I'd consider myself damn lucky I am not with that loser any longer.
I have the 400 or 450 minute plan and I've had unlimited data since 2008 and it's $20 for unlimited texting. Still fucking ridiculous but not quite as bad as you make it sound.
I have these - don't love them. The sound is actually quite good, but I can't get them to stay in my ears all. Also, the cord that drapes around your neck is awkward and I felt like the ear buds kept falling out because the strap kept getting caught up in my hair.
I have these - don't love them. The sound is actually quite good, but I can't get them to stay in my ears all. …
I wonder if Facebook is doing a sweep. I have a friend who goes by Dannyboy - we've called him that for years, it's been his facebook name for forever. Just today he posted a rant about how facebook made him change it to Danny Boy because Dannyboy was not his real name. One would think Facebook has bigger things to…
I got the animated hot dog at the movie - I'd be ok with that, but apparently it means that I am literally pathetic?! I think it's time for a redo...
you are correct - I apologize for saying that.
You are correct and I should not have said that. I guess I meant active sexual relationships, but still - poor phrasing, and I apologize.
Exactly. If told that my current fiancé had been bisexual in the past, I'd be ok with that. If he said that he was still bisexual, I'd be ok with that too - cheating is cheating, with man or woman, so as long as that doesn't happen, be attracted to who you want. But to be told about my fiancé's sexual past, but NOT…
When a Volkswagen dealership did that to my '99 Beetle, they did offer to fix and replace the vehicle. My poor car ending up on it's side and sort of on the roof, and it was so chopped up and brutal looking - interior trim popping off all over the place, gaping holes in the fender, etc. I actually didn't want the…
I still tell my mother "Stop acting as though you are taking your life in your hands just because I'm behind the wheel!"
I'm in. Hell, I'd pay $25 just to have the comments in date order. How your 2015 post arrived in the middle of a sea of 2012s; I have no idea. It's infuriating as a reader though.