
"The Cult of JT LeRoy" the documentary about the woman who puled the amazing scam of writing two "factual novels" about and by a supposed 16 year old former truck stop hooker from the South with an abusive addict mother and a horrendous childhood. He was born a boy but was dressed as a girl by mom. She got her

why do you care if I like it?

The actor who plays Bruce was fantasitc in a show called Touch by Tim Kring of Heroes as a child who could not speak but had some amazing mental gifts. He communicated soley through gesture and expression. It actually lasted two seasons - I loved it

THANK YOU I rarely read this sites reviews of this show anymore. Get a reviewer who appreciates all thats fun and interesting about this show or dont even bother with a column for this program. Another bad grade for Gotham —shocker. This site gives great grades to stuff I consider absoute swill so yeah everybodys got

I loved Zootopia and just said in my comments above that I dont understand people who cry at Inside Out but see I dont have kids and maybe thats what it is I DID love Inside Out for how well it was made and written

Zootopia was so very good I'd have to go back to Wreck it Ralph for an animated film this well written. And beautiful design and spot on voice work. Really just stellar. Ive been so disapointed with animation in the last two years. Yes Inside Out was very good but it didnt resonate personally with me as I am not

I have to suddenly move as the land was sold (AGAIN) and finishing up projects before spring break. I went to the Phoenix Art Muesum to see a Michelangelo exhibit which was really nice and saw The Witch a film I like the more I think about it. It reminds me of something Kubrick would have done. Really amazingly paced

I hadnt heard anywhere that Agent Carter was ending

Well Youre certainly entitled to your opinion but I am not the only one who thinks they have similarities. Salon and Gawker have both called him "the new Gene Kelly" All I said is that he COULD be. He is a very athletic dancer, does his own choreography and if you saw Hail Ceaser you would know he has quite a nice

I know that show can be ridiculous but I can hardly remember one that sucked me in so fast and had me so addicted to more more more of it…..

It why I dont wanna see it im a huge comic geek (have been for like 30 years) and I love Avengers, cant wait for Batman Vs Superman and Suicide Squad, and I love underground stuff! I eagerly awaited Diary of a teenage girl! But I cant stand this character - I dont find him charming or funny or appealing. I dont even

Movies - Hail Caeser - I liked many parts of it and def want to see it again with a directors commentary. I feel the Cohens were trying to make too many points in one short film and a lot of it just got muddled but there were some great parts. Loved Channing tatums dance number - he could be our generations Gene Kelly.

My ex husband was bald and he was thin and wiry. He did not look like a football player or bouncer. He looked like Hunter S Thompson. In fact he was mistaken for him several times. Everybody thought he looked good bald and he liked it too. He started losing his hair in his teens

he wrote the great song Veteran of the Psychic Wars for Blue Oyster Cult. Also when Lemmy died I saw something on FB from the 80s where he pulled items out of a bag and talked about them and one thing was a Moorcock book and he talked about how he valued him as a friend. Since Lemmy was in Hawkwind perhaps Moorcock

Prison Break is one of my favorite shows of all time I never get sick of watching it and I have found few things as suspenseful. I have not watched DC Legends of Tomorrow but Wentworth and Dominic Purcell are on it and they play some kind of team together.

Watched the first two episodes of Lucifer and I enjoyed it as I loved Californication and wondered what Tom Kapinos would do next. I wish SO many things did not have to have some cop procedural angle to them but this one seems to have a point to that so I will keep watching. In a lot of ways it follows the 90s comic

Alien Quadrilogy was like five bucks at one for me.

Oh I have got so many great DVD deals that way - pawn shops dont seem to care about them and practically give them away…..even things like box sets

My understanding is they are just supposed to be co workers and she got her law degree and inspired him to do the same but I dont think there is SUPPOSED to be a lot of chemistry romantic or otherwise. Her character believes in how smart he is and by the end of the first season you will see that.

the Nina Simone stamps that are about to come out are really lovely