
yeah I binged it over this past weekend and I was on the edge of my seat - I loved it. I havent seen world building this good since I dont know when. Im really surprised at all the people here saying its boring - to me its anything but. I have trouble finding shows I can really get into as well - I dont watch a ton of

upvoted for my favorite line in somethng about Mary.

The Fade Out and Saga are two of my current must buys - Ive cut back on a lot of comics buying recently cause I cant afford it but those are two I find a way to get. Also You might check out fiona Staples work on the new Archie its just outstanding. I am really loving that book and Fiona only drew the first three as

I got the Blu ray at Hastings on Black friday for 5.00. I love Hastings and that film.

ooh that reminds me to get out my copy of Christmas Evil its got a commentary track by John Waters thats great

yeah I loved Transparent too - Buzz was great. Richard Masur was on the old show Soap wasnt he?

another 90s movie with a diverse cast doing lots of different things thats fun is 200 cigarettes. Theres not a "crime" element to it though.

I need to get back into this Ive only seen season one but yeah Laura was irritating to say the least. Blair Underwood blew me away though

Just like your pictures above I rewatched S1 of Transparent and then S2. I dont know what more I could add other then that its a really well written show that cuts emotionally deep.Six Feet Under was my favorite for many years so I love Jill Soloways take on things.
Im on school winter break now so after that I started

Grindhouse is great I love alexs work

Hastings is awesome Ill miss it when I move from Arizona to cali next year

Fade Out autumnlands and Bitch Planet are must buys for me - too bad you did not mention the new Archie and Jughead books. I dont like the Jughead as much but the new Archie is blowing me away it deserves all the accolades its getting

kate upton as Lisa? Is that what im reading here? You know who I thought would be good - Britney Spears. They look a lot alike and Britney HAS been in Crossroads….


looking forward to tangerine when it comes to netflix later this month

I am SOOOOO lucky that for some reason people dont talk in movies here in my little corner of Arizona. They sit politely and watch. I have yet to have a bad experience and I see about 3-4 films in theatres a month. When I move back to the bay area of cali I hope that does not change - its more expensive there so Ill

I love that soundtrack it had the best Scott Weiland solo song I know of and it was what I looked for and put on the player when I heard he died the other day.

I dont know how to make you laugh but I can tell you that I am back in school at the age of 49 - I will finish the first half of my degree when Im 50 and then I want to go on and get an advanced degree and so I will be even more into my 50s when that happens. I hope I dont get ageism when I go out for a job but thats

I thought the voodoo doctor was one of the best designed characters in ANY disney movie of any era - I looked for merchadise of him and was unable to find any. He is certainly a worthy addition to the cast of villians….Keith Davids voice work on him was amazing

the podcast called How did this get made did a Zardoz episode and its very funny