
its funny that you compare this and Supergirl cause I did as well. I purchased the first four episodes of SG from Amazon but Im done paying extra untill its free there. I loved the lead actress but yes I would say its corny and just too "in your face" And yes the credit sequence of JJ is lovely with the watercolors

The movie I remember with him as lead was The Last Song with Miley Cyrus and he just kind of stands there being hot scenery in that as well. Not sure if its a good example as its a Nicolas Sparks film but its the only other thing I recall seeing him in and he WAS the male lead so…

Im with you on school just needs to end - I was so excited at beginning of the semester though. Now im ready for break…

I was REALLY hoping for more when they reached Tomorrowland - I got real diappointed in this film in the final third. Still there was things to love about it - esp frank and the robot girl and the curiosity shoppe that Alison Janney runs was cool as well.

I know somebody who renamed their kid Slater becuase thats how much they loved The Sitter.

yeah ive only watched four episodes and im liking it but the fight scenes are realy clumsy in comparison to Daredevil - I get the impression Krystin is not that good at that kind of thing (yet!) and they are editing to compensate

congrats to your relative whos done with chemo - my roommate and I can relate

I just posted about how Im reading some SNL books (includig David Spades) and I sure wish I knew where I could see early to mid 90s episodes as thats when my friends and I actually stayed up late to WATCH it and when I feel it had the best cast. One thing I forgot to post about "what have you been watching.." was I

Watched first three Jessica Jones and I really like it probably cause ive always liked noir and Krysten Ritter. A lot of people on Netflix sure DONT seem to like it - wow. One of the main complaints is "she doenst have the body of a superhero" Is she supposed to wear spandex? Whatever I dont listen to ANY opinions

I have been busy with school but started binge watching Nashville again as I was really moved by actress Claire Bowen cutting all her hair off because I assume her character Scarlett is undergoing chemo. You see I had to go through it earlier this year and it wasnt for cancer it was for something else but it was

my friend works at the local theater and says they cant remember when a movie was so poorly attended they wished they could pull it after three days. I live in a fairly small high desert town and the local theater tries to book films that are not blockbusters and when they do this bad it doenst help things - I was

im gonna have to check this out cause I have the trial of it with hulu right now and I have always been a Brando fan

the one image title my store did NOT have was Bitch Planet and they are having trouble getting the TP for me. Its weird cause they are trying to keep current - its pretty cool having an almost fully stocked comic store in the back of an indy book store in a small Arizona mountain town and I should be grateful for what

Rosie O Donnell is what I also disliked about Tarzan other wise - great film!

Paul Dano was incredible - I think oscar worthy. Some kind of award worthy. I really felt his anguish and still remember parts of that film over a month later. Ive always adored the Beach Boys they were the soundtrack of my Cali childhood and came from the same neighborhood my dads side of the family lived in

I saw that and mentioned it here last weekend - a really enjoyable thoughtful film that makes me miss how connected people were to each other in the 90s

Jada has hinted she is open to returning

yes I agree with all this I made a comment above myself that said a lot of it. There are a lot of things Bruce does on this show that im not sure a 12 year old could really do like "firing Alfred" on a whim - hes his legal guardian….even if that 12 year old WAS a billionaire….

i dont think Galavan had actual info of importance to give to Bruce and by the time Bruce realized this it would have been too late. I also think that a 12 year old is not able to just make a decision of such importance without consulting the board of directors or at least his guardian Alfred or perhaps Lucius Fox. If

thats why I love it the casting is so amazing - except for Clark Gregg Agents of SHIELD was full of the most boring generic characters ever and I hated it. Arrow has gotten better lately by having guests like Constantine and Deathstroke and I dont watch Flash because I find the character just boring.AV Club can say