Calipha Ornia

Be the death of meee…

Agree, but camo was $28 million ?

Nose fisting for you!

It's something that Jerome Seinfeld said…

Generally, forklifts have at least two points.

Very hot, aFFFF!

I'd like to feature…

Talko, the talking taco…

Guessing from the brief Seinfeld car-riding clip, maybe pancreatic cancer?

It checks out.

I like Lecter's use of "cornpone country…"

Eff the repugnicants. Yeah, the Board of Directors at WalMart is known for being a lovely bunch. And Hillary isn't a corporate bankster shill. No way…

"…seeing her reduced to boobs is depressing in a way."
Seeing she reduced her boobs is depressing in a way.

Say what you will about the trains and Mussolini, at least he made them run on time.

get bit, nazi shit.

He didn't defeat Hitler, either. The Red Army broke the German fascists on the Eastern front, at great cost, followed by the u.s. finally entering the European theatre…

"Mr. Mustard" gassed the Kurds.
Also, targeting civilians in Europe, etc.

"Revved up like a deuce…"

More like Ghost of Lazy Eye, amirite?