As nice a level cap increase sounds there will be serious issues with the game if they don't change a lot of its calculation mechanics.
As nice a level cap increase sounds there will be serious issues with the game if they don't change a lot of its calculation mechanics.
Serious question: couldn't they just register a new domain, pay a couple bucks to rent a new server from amazon, copy their website over, post the new url on twitter while they wait for the dns servers to start routing to their new domain, and have the whole thing fixed in 5 minutes? If they are actually being ddosed.…
"Jason, we're very hurt and confused by the betrayal displayed in you discussing this incident on your blog. We don't expect you to delete this article but..."
Someone send this man some Nutter Butter!
I wish the xbox was a VCR player, then I could watch my old Pokemon tapes.
Like the banks that helped fund terrorists? Who also got away with it, simply by the fact that they where too big for the government to prosecute..
In fact, it was - they emailed it to me today.