
We are watching Ford's spectacular new narrative.

I'd nut myself to death in West world.

Would've been cool.

Naw…unlike Clarke, I would not have hesitated to kill everyone in Mt. Weather, nor would I care later. Clarke is weak in that aspect of leadership.

Clarke can be on my team anytime!

Yes. The difference is more drinks.

What were the first words out of Mary Beth's mouth? Before I even responded to you the first time, I'd watched the scene.

Because many modern day humans have drunk sex. It, sometimes, make people lose their inhibitions and be more adventurous in bed. Why was prescription MDMA used for sexual enhancement in the 70's? What's not okay is the ease of access to alcohol by people who's brains aren't fully developed.

Stop the one-way logic. Two people got fall down drunk and had sex. Why would Bay be surprised they hooked up? On the show, Bay said she remembered everything she did before the blackout. If true, she must remember how she was interacting with Tank before her blackout. Also, just because Tank was able to remember

Mary Beth's initial reaction was concern for Bay. She, simply, recognized that Bay is an adult and responsible for her own actions. Getting drunk and hooking up with someone doesn't make you a victim just because you can't remember.

Tank was tanked!

I dislike Mary Beth's character but she was 100% correct in her assessment. Bay wanted to forget about her fight with Emmit so badly that she got blackout drunk.
Blackout is not to be confused with passing out. Bay was not passed out.

This storyline was just wrong! There was nothing confusing or messy about what happened between Tank and Bay. Their situation happens every Thurs., Fri., and Sat. night on the majority of college campuses in the nation. Boy and girl get super drunk at a party and hook up. As a society, we need to stop planting in