
I’m of the mindset that a hot dog both is and is not a sandwich. It is Schrodinger’s lunch.

One of the greatest works of satire in modern cinema, cemented by the sheer length of that scene.

One of these days I want a hit batter to just calmly take his base, let the situation cool down, and then blindside rush the pitcher from the first base.

How are Deron and Lebron nearly the same age (James is six months younger) and Williams looks like he drank from the wrong fucking Holy Grail?

When you’re old as hell, you gotta pick your spots.

“I’m a baseball traditionalist! BTW, I bat my pitcher eighth and an incredibly slow strikeout machine leadoff”

Oh God, no. Matilda is still a very good beer.

Careful now. Haggis is the food of the gods.

A well-cooked traditional English breakfast is a joy to eat.

it seems like it offers the things I like most about live baseball: Sitting outside in nice weather, eating and drinking, and just absorbing the entire sensory experience—the smells, the sounds—without necessarily caring that much about who wins or loses, or even who plays.

Could you provide link/context for the map? I’m curious as to how Utah remains all blue while several counties in MA get into the yellow though I’m not aware of any alcohol restrictions in this state outside of not allowing alcohol purchase before 11am on Sundays, and that’s statewide I believe.

I used to check for compliance with the ADA. Playgrounds are obviously easier but right of way and public sidewalk isn’t as bad as you might imagine. It’s mostly about not letting people get smashed by cars because they either can’t get up the crosswalk or because they don’t know one is coming. As long as the route

I thought Play Now went out of business

Newly view from BBC. Perfectly represents the new Republican Agenda. Once you remove democracy and liberty “America can be great again”.

Never forget when he pitched the game of his life, in Game 6 of the 2014 World Series, to honor his lost friend Oscar Taveras. RIP.

Or a third option: Unions remove themselves from the political system that once violently battled them and then absorbed and sanitized them, and they return to their roots as unrepentant business agitators, laws be damned.

This game went a long way in the healing process...

Now playing

If I was playing in the NFL, I would have dedicated my cleats last week to The Human Fund in silent protest to how ridiculous and fake the NFL is about making sure all charitable causes have to benefit their bottomline.