
Seems a bizarre criticism to say that an athlete is focusing too much on disciplines at which she excels. Do 50m swimmers criticize 1500m swimmers for not taking on the sprints? To me it makes sense to be excellent at a small number of disciplines than spread yourself too thin in the hopes of more variety of wins.

I recommend curling. All the action, none of the violence.

Following the EPA USS Lead webpage linked above and going to the spreadsheet presenting public data on that page, it looks like there are even higher concentrations of lead in soil somewhere between surface and 30 inches below. Here’s the stats of the data set:

Today, in “how to get sued 101"

Dude walked off the job in the most literal sense, and is worried about getting blackballed? Whoever assigns/hires the refs for high school football probably ranks “might not actually work” pretty among the reasons not to give someone a game I would think.

It took me a few readings to realize that Raj was not a reference to the British Raj. While your statement would still hold, I wasn’t quite sure how the anthem protests related to colonial India.

I found some footage of Girardi leaving the stadium:

Burn it. And I disagree with Drew to some extent. You can’t blame current players for past transgressions, but you can blame them for choosing to go there.

Since 45 minutes have passed and you assholes are all obsessed with pickles ... fuck Penn State.

This is the rare Deadspin comment that needs several more paragraphs of explanation.

Pickles are fine, but the “pickleback” craze was disgusting, and I hate that it ever became a thing.

Reducing pressure on the airplane: Once they announce they will check your bag for free, check it. Sit in a chair and open a book. Wait there and read wile everyone crams the gate. Saunter on a minimum of 5 minutes after the last person boards (to avoid the stupid ramp back up). Stroll to your seat with your book. Sit

Every time I’ve thought of this over the past few days, I keep thinking about this:

In a related note, I bowled a game without a gutter ball last week.

He’s on a soccer field so this is sports.

Why does the USMNT suck so hard anyway? And I don’t buy excuses about competing with other sports. No one watches track and virtually no one makes any money competing for team USA, but our men’s teams we send to WCs and OGs routinely double the medal count of anyone else. Hell even when our USA “big names” in track

So is it Go-thee or Gerta?

Ceausescu was not shy about dictating. He was a very bad dictator.

Fuck Penn State.