
“Don’t be in them streets after midnight...” this part. We all go out and have fun, yet a lot of these crazy stories take place at un-godly hours when you should have been home binge-watching Netflix.

Hmmm, Trina’s use of “nigger,” is ODD because black folks do NOT call themselves nor other black people nigger. Those who use the word say, “nigga,” or, “niggah.” There is NEVER an “er” at the end. And, yes, there is a very different meaning - we all know this - even those of us who do NOT use the word.

This is a sad story and I pray for the families.

My grandmother was a fair-skinned woman with light eyes. She had nappy hair and permed it. She said she was Native American and had either no or very little African blood in her veins.

You are a sick person.

Her father immigrated from Jamaica, her mother was an Indian-American researcher and civil rights activist.

Kamala Harris is a black woman of Jamaican and Indian ancestry. Her mother is an Indian woman. Let’s not participate in the erasure of her ancestry. No one mentions her Indian-ness, only her blackness.