
Do you realize what a horrible person she is? In her failed attempt to unseat Barbara Boxer, she ended her campaign owing several people just under $500.000.00! One of those people was a man who passed away a couple of years ago. Do you think his family could have used that money? Pretty sure Carly had MILLIONS in the

Ever been there? I am convinced that the only reason Texas does not float out into the Gulf is that Oklahoma sucks.

In my experience, Independents are Republicons who are so embarrassed by their party that they had to call themselves something different. Sometimes when I am in a particularly snarky mood, I will ask one of them: At what point did the party of your father embarrass you to the point where you could no longer be part

In a male run religion, are you really surprised?

Why do men who will never even have to consider an abortion suddenly the experts on what women want? SMDH

Why would anyone ask a man about a medical procedure that he will never have to contemplate. SMDH

As I have said before, Abortion will never be a question for any of these men. They will never get pregnant or even think about having an Abortion!

Ever have a spinal tap? This guy needs to be gone now!

Well, first off if you can not support your child, get fixed. No more kids is the answer to a lot of what this guy is going thru. Also, if he grew up and really got a job early in his fatherhood, none of this would have happened.

Jerk! You do not hit people. You do not frighten people. You do not restrain people. Grow up. No more hitting!