
Waiting for Brady's balls to get punished...Still wating....

Every other year seems to be a virus scare in the porn industry. Just slap on some condoms. Maybe if the porn stars would wear them, more regular folks would as well. There seems to be a young crop of adults in the general population that were too young to see the horror of hiv. The kids that grew up on internet

Hmm... If anything i say its the other way around. Ethnic people shower whenever they have to go out the house it seems like.

Dear Muslim and Jewish bros of strict sectors,

Damn, these hoes and bros ain't loyal.

No offense to the writer but "hope you have a good lawyer" probably doesn't apply to your short live marriage at 25. What assets do you have? Are you even making over 60k a year? Things are tricky when you are actually making money, have property, and again making money! I'm a true believer people, and especially

I forgot AP has a litter of kids by a bunch of baby mamas. Do better America, do better.

Best post ever. You can't publicly go against Israel or side with the Palestinian in our society. Look at all the heat RiRI, Dwight Howard, Wacka Flocka are getting. Never thought i use those three in a example, don't judge me. They can be black listed from the media, and their industry for their support. Too often if

The queen of skeptical.