
I’m bewildered by the whole tv therapist phenomenon. Any credible therapist would never allow this to happen on television, so why do people even look to this as a credible thing?

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.

I love how dumb people get ripped off.

I loved Faerie Tale Theatre as a kid. This is devastating to see. Shelley was quirky as all get out,and really seemed like a sweet natured soul. Robert Altman discovered her working at a makeup counter in a department store and gave her a walk on gig. Her film with Altman, 3 Women, is a superb outing for both.

then lets just hope she loves me too much to buy me “Women in Trees”

Condolences :(

I’ve been in remission for a year as well, yay us! I’m glad not to have walked out on the movie, but would be completely sympathetic to anyone who did. We go to movies for a little escape from our lives, not to be reminded of shitty, shitty things, right?

Thank you, I appreciate the kind words and thoughts. I’ve been in remission for a year now, but based on my reaction to this movie, it’s apparently too soon to watch cancer-related TV and movies.

I’m so sorry. ☹️️☹️️ My cat basically had intestinal pre-lymphoma and it’s a brutal, cruel illness with no way to explain to your cat what’s happening to them. Bless your late kitty. Sounds like she / he had a great and loving home. ❤️

OMG that scene when the doctor was feeling her neck. I am very fortunate to not have any experience with lymphoma, but that scene was enough to cause a panic reaction anyway.

I’m really sorry. Sending you good thoughts and wishes

I’m sorry for your loss. Have you seen this movie? When the doctor started feeling the girl’s neck, I had a really intense panic reaction. I have a history of PTSD symptoms, and this was that. It was no bueno.

You can become a cat like Kevin Spacey.

Trump’s a bastard, but he hasn’t got us into 2 wars, opened torture camps, tanked the economy or left an entire city to drown...not yet, anyway. Admittedly, his presidency is still very young. The Shrublet continues to hold the title until Trump racks up more “accomplishments”.

Ugh. I live in a rainbowy, unicorny, wonderfully diverse little enclave. I only ever met one Trump-supporting couple. I really did need to see this bloody red map to realize just how very many racist idiots exist. I’m sorry.

The part where he not only constantly casts her, but casts her in roles obviously (and in the case of American Hustle and Joy, empirically) meant to be played by actors 10-15 years older than her is what absolutely skeeves me out.


Michelle plays the long game. That woman thinks weeks and months in advance. You’re thinking about your lunch, she’s thinking about dinner next year. She’d be a fiend as a con, we’re lucky she’s chosen to use her skills for good.

I’m very impressed by her classic hand-on-the-stomach move. Very inspired! Cue pregnancy speculation now!!