
Should I waste A-game puns on that cesspool?

Yup. Stick to Barfbart.

You're too good for this guy, @two_fucks_for_bela:disqus.

Lead by example.

If that's how you communicate, stick to Barfbart.

Mom, how did you find the AV Club?

Ditto pretty much everything, but especially Gail/Shirley and the thanks for the discussion space!


I'm neither upset nor thrilled about John; he's come a long way since he was originally on the show. Still, I would rather have Brooke confirmed for that final slot, and then John slipping in as the wild card instead of who I fear it will be over Brooke - Casey.

Slither back to Stormfront.

Go back to News for Racists, asshole.

I know this asshole - I've banned them from a news channel or two. I recognize the idiotic picture.

I feel bad for Falcons fans I can't imagine what they're feeling right now.

It's a shame, because BBC actually is going to make a show with the winner and a finalist from the most recent (last BBC) season of The Great British Bake Off - but then again, they don't lean towards making shitshows anyways, so Bravo wouldn't learn a thing by their example.

It's amazing how much unlike Mike V. brother Bryan is - and he's opened some really wonderful restaurants (Volt and Range, to be specific).

Oh, Ilan was a horrible person, no doubt. And as I recall, it was widely suggested that he stole most of his winning finale recipes from the restaurant he was working at during the time of the show.

Worst Winner, of course: Hosea.

I'm not rooting for Tesar or Casey, but they're hardly undeserving.

This was also Paul Qui’s journey as well

I can't remember if it has been done before in RW but when they said they were doing family-style I immediately felt they'd be on the bottom. It just reeks of a cheesy and lowbrow way to cut some of the corners of what RW is about.