
You are demanding that websites publish their filter list so that poor little you don't get a comments stuck in pending and are behaving like their refusal to do so is up there with Twitter not acting on a doxxer. Fuck. That. To. Hell. That is the most annoying, insulting, disgusting comparison you could have come up

Oh, give me a fucking break. Seriously, that is the most insane fucking comparison I have heard. That's not what I or anyone is saying and you know it. Spare us the hyperbole.

Already pulled out While You Were Sleeping before Thanksgiving. Love it, The Family Stone and Little Women.

Now, those I have heard of - but still didn't watch them.

Huh. I wasn't really into kids shows when I was a kid. Haven't heard of any of those shows in that block before now. I don't even remember watching television on Saturday mornings. Sundays, mornings would have been for news/Charles Kuralt. That's all I remember of weekend television in the '80s - news, old movies and