Cruisin Grand in Escondido, CA
Cruisin Grand in Escondido, CA
How do the judges know the exact way each car came from the coach builder? Do they know specifics down to an engraving that was added on the dash for example?
What car is this?
I thought this was a Zinger?
Rejoice, this will mean the end of bro-trucks
This was brilliantly written. Thank you, Maggie!
Also found in the “further research” link. This beauty:
What is the name of that Mercedes van pictured and in the first video? I must have one.
Will this be available to stream online anywhere?
What is this??
Jay, please buy Jalopnik.
The continental, with it’s blue interior.
Why won’t they build it?!?! :(
What was the mistake that put Emerson Fittipaldi into the wall?
Take a breath, Lionel.