Side note - he’s making the same face Vince MacMahon would make to the crowd back in the late 90s/early 2000s when he screwed over a wrestling stable and joined the other side. Just playyyinggg the part of the bad guy CEO way too well!
Side note - he’s making the same face Vince MacMahon would make to the crowd back in the late 90s/early 2000s when he screwed over a wrestling stable and joined the other side. Just playyyinggg the part of the bad guy CEO way too well!
Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.
Dallas should punish him by suspending him 6 games.
Always fucking highlight truthers.
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
Ryan Vogelsong was a good Giant.
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
Right, exactly. Who can forget that South Bend was once a part of Ireland, and that we slaughtered the Irish who’d lived there since before recorded history? And that we forced the few survivors to live on reservations while we grew rich off the fat of their land?
Not to dampen the fun but seems pretty obvious he hunted or fished where he wasn’t suppose to.
When I was a kid, Graig Nettles was my guy. I wanted to be just like him. I played third, leaping for grounders, stretching out trying to make great plays.
If Cleveland parlays this into another Finals trip, the Steph/KD pick and roll against Isaiah/Love is going to be a fucking war crime.
I think Deadspin should offer a one-time-only amnesty in which Jets fans are allowed to switch their allegiance to another team without being accused of bandwagoning. Then after they’ve all accepted the offer, publish a followup post saying it was a trick and only the most pathetic fanbase in sports would accept such…
Everyone on Earth finds this comic, sans Cleveland.
Joe West insisted on being the center of the composition, but Yadi had trouble framing it for him.
It’s like watching a Shawn Bradley highlight tape.
Here’s one very small part of the thing: Middle America isn’t a small town in downstate Illinois, it’s suburban Chicago. The New York Times in particular has anxiety about being in the bubble of moneyed Manhattan and sends unqualified journalists to do pop-anthropology in North Dakota but doesn’t send anybody to tell…
Boy, Player really refuted the notion that he is “kind of a showboater” with this full page statement (in which he mentions meeting Mandela, being at the Olympics, being invited to the US Open to celebrate his grand slammiversary, etc etc)..
Nashville has shown itself to be a true hockey town filled with real fans, because they booed the living shit out of Bettman last night, as is proper and right.
Shut up about the Paris Agreement already!!!!
When I was a kid, being able to finish a layup with either hand off of either foot was some sort of weird amazing circus trick that happened by accident. Nobody practiced it. Nobody in the NBA even did it except, again, as a desperation accident.