I very much agree. There are a lot of movies that I think could have used this treatment, but this is certainly the main one.
I very much agree. There are a lot of movies that I think could have used this treatment, but this is certainly the main one.
Your Bucakaroo Banzai comparison really makes me wish Peter Weller was about 20 years younger. He would have been a perfect Reed.
I wish I wasn't still waiting for this movie.It looks so much more fun than the first one. Also, more ninjas is always a good thing.
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more excited for this movie! And I just watched it on youtube... I think my Brain might explode when I see this movie on the big screen.
I'll have to look into that. I grew up watching Defenders of the Earth, though. Which uses Phantom, Flash Gordon, Mandrake, and Lothar. That was pretty sweet too.
Nothing is 100% accurate, but you would be surprised how accurate Wikipedia usually is. And how quickly things are fixed most of the time when someone makes things up.
Well, if it was proven to not be a choice, the "therapists" could be legally stopped. Similar to how conversion therapy has been made illegal in California for minors.
I don't care what anyone says, it looks fun. Would I have liked to see an actual Native as Tonto? Sure. Maybe Adam Beech. But it's not enough to deter me from seeing the film.
We need this to happen, Avengers style!!!
He lives and works in England now. He does a lot of panel shows and hosts various things. he is on QI quite a bit, though didn't do any episodes this year.
In this one he's a drone repairman. Pretty good drone repairman too, until he has a crisis of confidence and can't repair drones anymore. Then he meets a good looking woman who talks him into being a better drone repairman. :D
Oh my gosh! I want the Night Watch shirt immediately! That's the best one.
I've already donated, and can't really afford to do more, but I'm not too worried about prizes, as neat as they are.
Yeah... Even if they all end up being great, I can't see myself watching them that often. I still want to see a condensed version put out on blu ray once they've all be released. Something I can put in and watch at any time that's just the story from the book.
I am a a fan of any project that had GDT working with Paul Williams.
I, on the other hand, am EXACTLY the audience this thing is aimed at :D
Nice interview. It makes me even more ready for Electric Boogaloo to com out, as I'd be very surprised if they didn't get some footage with him. I love Canon Films :)
Can we get Lance Henriksen's character from Uprising in this? Played by Henriksen himself, of course. And they could have Sam and Beck team up to take on the baddies. Elijah Wood would also fit a real life version of his character too.
Meh, they'd probably mess up the ending. I'm surprised the allowed that ending in 79. I see almost no chance of it now.
Pretty good read, but I will correct you on one thing. There wouldn't be a 40 year age difference between Havoc from First Class and Cyclops from X-Men. It would be about 20-25 years, which is something that does happen.