
Aside from Sabretooth, it was worse than x-3. At least, that's my opinion.

I used to watch the VHS of 12 Tasks that Disney put out all the time. I want to get it now, but as with most Disney VHS of the time it is far too expensive. There's also no US DVD release of the animated films, sadly. I did find a Canadian release once, but even that was more money than I really have.

One of my favorite scenes ever.Man, Justice League/JLUwas such a good show.

Shame too, it's a really good show. But if they can't get it on a better schedule, they'll lose all their viewers. But just so long as it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, I'll be fine.

But Peter Weller actually is the greatest,coolest, hippest guy on the planet.

I'm not really expecting more Iron Man solo films, but I'm sure getting him to sign on for Avengers won't be too much of a problem.

Sadly, no. The one I'm thinking of would have to be older than that one. i think it's the one that was done in Russia in the 50s. I can't tell for sure if that had an 80s vhs release though. If it did, that's the one.

I don't think so.While it didn't smash records, The Princess and the Frog was at least a moderate success. Plus, Winnie the Pooh was more recent.

As others have mentioned Sandman, I'll also mention that you should read Coraline. Pretty much any of his other comic work would be good too. My favorite is Murder Mysteries. Anansi Boys is probably my favorite of his novels. I read it in about three days (which for me is fast). That's set in the same universe as

Call me crazy, but I prefer the old effects (models, matte shots, etc.) to the over use of CG. While I'm not anti CG, as there are things that couldn't be done without it, I don't want movies that were done practically to have that charm taken away from them. Especially when most of the effects still hold up. Things

VCRs aren't that rare. You can still get them (usually in dvd combos) at most major stores :)

I still don't care for the Title... But i had the same problem with Tangled, and was really happy with how that turned out.

Well... I can honestly say this is something I never expected to happen.

You're not alone :)

lol,I'm not saying the option should be here.Just saying it would have happened :D

Were we on Facebook, i would be liking this hard :P

That is weird. I hope it doesn't spell problems for the YJ cartoon, as it is amazing and needs to continue.

The exposed hand bugs me. I liked how the original made a point of losing all non essential bio materials. That hand better get blown off in the film, just to prove how silly keeping it was.

At the time, CN said it had to do with 10th anniversary stuff.

I noticed that the first time i saw it after Batman Begins came out.