I would hope not :P
I would hope not :P
I'm typically on the GM side of things, but I would really like to learn more about both sides of the argument. Sadly, as long as we get bad science from both dies, whether intentionally misleading or just poorly done, we'll never know for sure what we're getting ourselves into.
You may be over thinking it a bit there.
So, is this like the comics where they turned black and evil yet that would be considered racist now, so they're white?
They should obviously put something into motion before The Hobbit sets are torn down. :P
I was hoping for more songs, but it was a great trailer none the less :P
Fantastic! The first clips and the jellyfish clip are probably my favorites. I actually want to know how the first things would work.
Very much agreed. It bugs me when people us demographics to denote quality.
That's so you have something to hang your cape/sheild/sword on.
Yeah. Of course black works sometimes, but it shouldn't be the automatic go to. 80s robocop really looked like a product of the style and tech of the time. Taking that to the current conclusion, he should really look like a walking ipod. more rounded with the shoulders looking slick and shiny. It would work in either…
I thought I was the only one to think of that for a second.
And I think we can all agree that's a good thing.
Filmmakers seem to be obsessed with black the last few year.
What I'd love to see Jackson do with The Hobbit is cut it down to one movie that's just the stuff from the original book.
Very nice list. I'm especially happy you included White Zombie.
They're not ranked in any order.
Say what you will, but the whole thing creeped me out.
While I'll admit it has become a bit cliche, there have been great movies to include one or both of those elements.
I think watching this trailer before I was about to turn off all the lights and go to bed was a bad idea.
On the other hand, you have movies like Legend. That Directors cut was 100% needed. The only time I've managed to see through the original cut since seeing the Directors cut was actually in a theatre.