
Even with that review, I really want to see it... At least I'll know what I'm getting myself into though.

Hmmm... I may have to check it out that way then.

Very true... And I don't even hate that one, I just think they spent too much time making sure thy set things up for Avengers that it got muddled.

I like the idea in general, but I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my Lokis scheming :)

Thor 2: Asgardian Boogaloo is shaping up nicely.

I don't think Loki should have a redemption. Not really, anyway.

No, your perception just fixes itself.

I don't know... How about Walt Simonson's Thor? That's when Thor was turned t a frog and we got Beta Ray Bill, after all.

I don't know, this still looks like fun to me. I'm sure it will still have some humor the same way the first one did. Plus Malekith is over the top enough to be a lot of fun in the film. I do agree that Enchantress and Executioner need t show up in the franchise though.

Yeah, that would be a nice inclusion.

From best I can tell, it actually was shot in 3D, which is odd considering the budget.

I had a piece when I was a kid. Sadly, it disappeared somewhere along the way. I wish I knew what happened to it.

Be still my beating heart!

I was not aware of that...

Being tickled is one of the worst things in the world to me. It makes me tense up and it's difficult to breath.

Agreed. She's still beautiful, but not like she used to be. I wonder who they could get now that fits the 40s image of beauty as well as she did.

That scene always had me in tears too... though not as much as when Atreyu meets the Rock Biter... That one two punch was devastating. I think even more so now than when I was a child.

I normally don't approve of people ruining movie experiences. But that was gold.

I'm guessing they mean prequel to the upcoming season. Still not the best word for it, but still.

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Unless it was a response to someone else's comment (I didn't go through everything) I can't believe this hadn't already made it on here.