
I never understood his hatred of Mondays... He never does anything anyway.

He looks more like Mojo to me, but either way

Well, neither are in this film. And while it's an idea he had nearly 30 years ago, it's still an original one :P

I'm sure he'll fit more with the book's description or be something more original... I'm with you though, I love that movie. Smaug not sounding like Richard Boone will throw me off a bit. Thorin not sounding like Hans Conried already has :P

I'm still hoping they're using GDT's design for Smaug... I don't see how they could not.

if they kept Guillermo Del Toro's design work for Smaug (and why in the world wouldn't they?), it should be up there.

I think it looks awesome :D

It's why I keep bringing up the idea of a streamlined version on blu ray/dvd. I need to sop harping on that though, as I don't expect it to happen.

It didn't make me not excited... but it is going to hurt me re-watching it very often, which is very sad indeed.

I love the Toy Story shorts they've done since TS3. I don't really want another feature from them (though I'd still watch it), but this is a perfect way to keep them going.

Avengers 2: The Thanos Imperative

I've also seen things that said Sept. 1

Except to the early generation of whovians, they were terrifying.

except they're going to reboot to have Bruce Wayne as the star again. It wouldn't make any sense for them not to.

I'm glad to hear that about V/H/S Ti West really does seem to be the premiere horror director of this generation. I'm hoping that continues to be the case for some time to come.

I'm looking forward to a good number of these movies.

I don't know, I've been entertained by all the previews.

I enjoyed it too. It was greatly flawed, but I still had fun watching it.

Paranorman is still yet to come out too... I'm really hoping it does well.

I am very much in favor of this. I hope there is a way that I will one day get to see it though.