
Oh yeah, Dragonslayer is awesome.

Oh, I"m sure he'll do a great job. I was more talking about the fact that as much as I love The Hobbit, watching 6-9 hours for that one story will be tough. And in this world of extended editions, a condensed one would be interesting.

Don't be too mad at Miller for that one... He wrote one script that was broken apart and mangled for two movies...

I'm excited to see all the films (though sad that I may have to wait even longer for Smaug).

I know Guillermo Del Toro did a design for Smaug he was really happy with and said he wanted his Smaug to be remembered up there with Maleficent and the Vermithrax Pejorative.

That's probably the reason I prefer the sequels, actually.

apart from the director, I think it will be very hard to remake Short Circuit. So much of that film is quintessentially 80s, and I just don't see how you can update it without losing much of what made it great.

I imagine a Metropolis remake would be a little closer to Tezuka's version, as opposed to the original silent film.

I think there's a nice balance of the two ideas that can be found. Most people lean towards extremes on the issues though.

Or maybe he was also born in prison and that's why he became Talia's protector when she was a child.

I think it will end up being quite successful, though I wouldn't be surprised if a large amount of the box office came from overseas.

I'm certainly interested to see how this turns out. He-Man could make for an excellent film if done right. I hope thy include more characters from the cartoon. That always bugged me with the 87 movie.

I do too actually... But then again, I enjoy most of the bad 80s fantasty films, and am a huge fan of Canon Films. Not to mention that Frank Langella and Meg Foster actually were pretty great in the film.

That' hilarious! Thanks for posting :)

I'd prefer her get her own movie. I actually prefer She-Ra to He-Man for the most part.

I want their to be sequels to Dredd because I want to see the Dark Judges. I guess I'll just have to hope this one does well.

i wonder what the third one will be called?

Man, i loved that movie as a kid, but I can't seem to remember any of it now... I didn't remember that aspect at all.

That is pretty sweet.

They actually do a good job of explaining why they need so much. I'll be very surprised if it succeeds, but hopefully they will be able to do something anyway. Too bad this isn't the 80s or 90s when there were tons of toy companies who might have been willing to take a risk on something like this.