
I don't remember him talking about Swamp Thing... But if Del Toro was able to do all the movies he talks about, he'd likely be the most prolific director of all time.

Looks good to me. The only thing I didn't care for was the contraction in "I'm the law". You have to drag that out. :)

I should have qualified that statement as "In America". I know he's quite successful in the UK, but he's so amazing, he really deserves to be popular in more places.

With being a comedy, I would have been surprised not to have some sort of Avatar reference.

That was more Graham Linehan not wanting to jump the shark, though I still say they could have gone a lot longer before that happened.

Well, I have a tentative excitement about this. I'll need more information for true excitement, but the information at hand is pretty excellent.

Agreed. I love this movie and wish there had been more like it.

I always love Sillof's work, and these are up there with the best.

Nice to finally see a bit of footage. Hopefully the full trailer will be even more awesome.

So you're saying they should make Indy into a James Bond, only with period films?

I don't get why people complain about them making these sequels to earn money.

Yeah, this study doesn't seem very accurate to me. Obviously I haven't studied the matter at great length, but the lowest crime rates in the world are in predominantly non believing countries, so how does that tie into the result?

Yeah, they are pretty excellent.

I've enjoyed all of PT Anderson's work, and this should be no different.

As much as I enjoy gimmicks, the found footage gimmick doesn't do much for me. I liked Blair Witch Project, but it's definitely overused now.

I didn't care for Returns, though they did get Supes mostly right. It was just all the other convoluted stuff that bothered me. It wasn't bad, it just didn't stand up to repeat viewings. Of course, all of the Superman movies have something about them that annoys me, even the first two, which are classics.

most of the companies that bought rights to Marvel characters before Marvel started doing their own films still have them. Fox still has Daredevil, X-Men, and Fantastic Four.

Yeah, my word choice was poor. I know this was the original music. What happened was I saw the DTV version in the 80s (with the stray cats song added) before I actually saw Make Mine Music.

Now playing

I'm willing to bet this is the one you're talking about. It was one of my favorites as a kid, though the music attached doesn't sound familiar... I'm pretty sure they showed it with different music more than once. I know it was set to The Stray Cats- Rock this Town in the 80s, but I think it also got put with another

I'm happy they are. I've gotten sick of the "Wink wink, nudge nudge" approach in recent years.