calembouriste: part deux

And per the exit polling, it’s due to cities voting a little better (+~5-10%) and rural going absolutely apeshit (up by 50-100% in some counties).

She’s winning the popular vote, right now, by around 100,000 votes - that’s not anything to brag about. There are a lot more Democrats in this country than Republicans. Registered Democrats didn’t turn out to vote for her or they voted against her - that’s why she lost.

100% could have voted but the result would have been the same. The Democrats fucked up by anointing a terrible candidate. I’m apalled that Trump is our new President but I’d feel similar if Clinton won. This was the worst election ever. I wish I could just hibernate for the next 4 years...

This is bullshit. Just because the left “picked” Hillary they all need to unite and support her?

Voter turnout in the US is terrible. This was a particularly bad election because neither candidate was particularly well liked.

I don’t know about compulsory voting, but automatic registration would be a great plan. (Too bad the Republicans would just make it harder to get a valid ID, oops that already happens)

Even though HRC probably won the popular vote, there are pluses to having the EC.

Nope. African-Americans and Latinos would have no national influence if it weren’t for their power to swing states like California, Illinois and Pennsylvania. The Electoral College makes sure minorities don’t get screwed over more than they already do...

Want me to start taking so-called third parties seriously? Stop nominating loons like Stein and Johnson.

While I find stein and the other one stupid as fuck and while I am sure that republican “voter suppression” had a marginal effect on the outcome the only conclusion that I can draw from what Happened is exactly what you have written. Americans voted for him if their own volition. I dont even believe that the Comey

Hillary would have lost even if all 3rd party voters had voted for her. Majority of white voters voting Trump and the gutting of the of the Voting Rights Act, that probably took away votes that she could have used to swing a couple states, is the reason.

Jill Stein is nothing more than a vanity candidate. She has no relevant experience, and her policy positions are dangerously incoherent and irrational. Anyone who voted for her should be ashamed of themselves.

You’re acting surprised that Americans aren’t engaged politically, like that hasn’t been the case for decades. It just so happens that we had two awful candidates and no one was excited to see what would happen if either won.

Jesus is this what it really looks like now? That’s bullshit. I’ll still eat it because it’s goddamn delicious but fuck this awkward looking chocolate bar. Pfft.

but the changes to the smaller one — which is sold mainly in Britain at the discount retailer Poundland

If a cat walks up to you and rubs their face against you, they love you and are marking you as their property. Anything else — including purring** — is questionable.

Pretty much any tail-swishing means “you’re gonna get it, human.” If cat walks towards you with tail raised high, that is a greeting.

bob has been quoted on this more feline less felicitous meeting:

Yep. And they sing the song of my people.

This is a cat who just does not care.