calembouriste: part deux

Was there a point she wasn’t mad? Or surrounded by madness?

I haven’t seen a pic of Courtney in awhile, but what in holy hell? Is that just makeup or has she gone mad?

I just tried liking Ice T’s tweet on Jezebel.

“Room” took place present-day; I don’t know what sort of historical research she was supposed to do..

“The Room” was an awful movie by Tommy Wiseau, “Room” was an amazing movie based on a Donoghue novel.

Whatever. I haven’t eaten since breakfast and it’s almost 1 p.m. Where’s the book about me?

well i’m fasting for the first time in 10 years for yom kippur- have an easy fast to all my fellow jews

This is sadly topical:

Lol what? She lost her career?? That analysis isn’t based on any sort of fact just feeling, just like Nikki’s double standard above (plenty praised her for her anaconda, plenty criticized Kardashian).

Yes, I don’t know where all this “praise” is coming from, and I don’t think anyone calls Sharon Osborne the gatekeeper of class....

Yet everywhere I look, I see Kim Kardashian getting called a called a whore and a bad mom for posting those nudes...

Janet Jackson comes to mind. She was bigger than Lady Gaga and totally lost her career because Justin Timberlake ripped her bra off and her nipple was exposed for a split second. She was branded a trashy whore who was ruining America’s values for doing nothing but getting accidentally exposed, but Justin Timberlake,

My heart, it breaks. Books are my friends.

Taking this comment at face value, I agree. I feel like there is something else going on there, though, if you parse out her comments a little.

And she was so cool about it as it was unfolding, not really commenting and letting her words be spread far and wide.

Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff.

Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff.

To most people? Sadly, yes.

I see it more as a boundaries thing. It’s a healthy move to make sleeping an individual activity but if you invite someone into your bed it’s a mutal decision. You can’t just say “I SLEEP HERE NOW!” And it’s okay. I choose to sleep with my partner because it’s a space where we can get the late night giggles over