calembouriste: part deux

Layoffs aren’t personal, they are about money.

This guy needs to photoshop himself on top of a dragon and slap an official GOT logo on the picture, then set it free on the Internet and watch the ensuing madness.

Damn I thought that was Dinklage too. Someone needs to show him this cosplay asap!

That’s... not actually him?? O_o

It’s been my experience though that the French are excellent at absurdism and hyperbole when discussing pretty mundane situations and making them very funny.

I worked at a day care once. One day two girls in my class that were besties were (almost literally) at each other’s throats, so I made them sit down and hold hands.

Was about to comment the same thing. Having lived in France, been married in France and worked in French companies for even longer, I can tell you most of French humor is about “taking the piss out of” people. Sorry to use a British-ism, but it just doesn’t translate to American. It’s the teasing you give your best

My mom used to make my sister and I hold hands. We would sit silently trying to crush the other’s hand the entire time. She once made us sit face to face, noses touching. Whenever she wasn’t looking I would stick my tongue out and touch some part of my sister’s face.

This was my exact thought. Either you thought you were having a snappy exchange, or you thought she crossed the line. But in that case, you did as well.

I don’t really see how he can get offended after saying “I heard you get sodomized quite often”. I mean, her initial comment about the demon was off-color, but no more off-color than the fact he chose to be in a scene that played a rape as comedy in the first place. And her response was, if anything, a de-escalation

is he a real comedian?

Blac Chyna will eat her placenta. Fantastic.

I mean, that’s a pretty funny joke. And the exact kind of joke I’m sure he has made about himself in dozens if interviews. He was probably just no in a good place at the time, but come on, suck it up.

Are we 100% sure Hill didn’t cancel the rest of his appearances because of Miles Teller?

Heh, try working in advertising. They all purge people like a snake shedding skin every few months. Mail room, admins, senior creatives. No one is ever safe and it never seems to be about who is a fuck up or who is not carrying their weight. So advertising is an industry of vagabonds who are always kind of looking and

Sounds like my old company. After a few round of consolidation and outsourcing, the brain drain started in earnest. They were left with the old timers, outsource and/or cheap foreign employees, and the office politics champs and not much else. I was laid off. As I was leaving, people asked me if they could come. It

I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

It is a protection that is put in place to keep companies from doing a scrape-off every few years. If they could lay off the top earners, they’d do it all the time while also offering them their job back at lower pay rates, thus resetting pay any darn time they want.

OR if you are doing your job too well, they don’t think they need you anymore. I was laid off because Safety’s Key Performance Indicators were all green (good), while Quality, Distribution, etc. were all red (bad). Obviously they didn’t need Safety anymore #sarcasm ...

Working in IT for a few years now is starting to infuriate me. Been job searching lately and finding a full time, direct hire, non-contract position is rare. Other friends and I just keep finding contracts. 3 months to hire and same BS terms. So its not comforting that the moment you don’t perform, you’ll be dropped