calembouriste: part deux

I wouldn’t say it is dumb. You need to adjust your expectations WAY WAY down. Taking the train cross country here needs to be considered part of your trip, instead of transportation to the start/end of your trip.

Traveling short hop flights on a budget carrier in Europe/UK can be really cheap. You can get a flight from Edinburgh to London for about $30 USD.

no- did it from SF to NY. 10/10 would do it again

I hear you. My daughter is 5 so I have to, as a rule, disregard her demands. We will get a healthy youngish indoor cat. We have to wait until next month because I got a much better deal on pet insurance if I bought it a month in advance.

My cat’s vet constantly warns against overweight cats. Apparently they get diabetes and it’s a nightmare to take care of a diabetic cat.

I’m adopting a cat next month. My daughter is 5 and she wants a pet sooo bad. She insists it be 1. a girl 2. not a kitten 3. fat.

They watch you in all your private moments.

Cats, obvs. Whenever it returns.

I’m pretty sure two of the cats who belong to are taken care of by my wife and I are capable of world domination plots. They always look like they’re thinking and/or judging.

I, for one, welcome our new cat overlords.

He really isn’t a Trump supporter.

Seriously? She didn’t fucking overheat because of 78 degree weather. She has pneumonia. Normal people do not overheat in 78 degree weather. If you overheat in 78 degree weather, you should see your doctor right away because you’re not normal. You have a serious health issue.

Liberties with

TLC really has a knack for hiring pedophiles. It's almost like they profit from child exploitation.

Divorce may be a TV show but Love is a Battlefield.

Not really a new thing though. That’s been going on since forever. Elvis’s “Colonel” Tom Parker comes to mind. I don’t think Dr. Dre has a PhD either.

Divorce is a TV show. Jezebel has covered it quite a bit, actually.

‘Dr. Luke’ So I guess we can just call ourselves whatever now? If I worked for 4 years on a Phd I’d be pissed...