calembouriste: part deux

Not sure why people are jumping on you for this comment, it’s a pretty important detail to leave out of the main story.

people willfully misconstrued your comment. you wanting the article to note the murder of the family pet isn’t prioritizing its murder over the lost lives of the wife and kids. sometimes,the commenters can be insufferable.

You can make good choices and then have a crises happen that changes you and/or your partner. I think better healthcare could have helped them, but who knows.

Police arrived at the Shorts’ Sinking Spring home after a concerned relative alerted them that Megan had failed to show up for a scheduled lunch date

I think this is an interesting detail, actually.

Mentioning the dog wouldn’t be so much of an improper prioritization as it could be used as maybe an insight into the mind of whichever of the adults committed this horrible tragedy.

Well I happen to think its important information and all these other commenters are assholes. And yes, for the record, I care more about animals than people.

Shooting the dog might have something to do with not wanting their bodies to be *eaten* by said dog if it took a while for them to be discovered. I used to work in a coroner’s office. It happens.

You did not note in this story that S/HE ALSO SHOT THE DOG!

As a hairstylist that made me so sad. I’m like please dry your hair and do not do stressful things to it while it’s wet because that’s how you get ten million flyaways and also this person should get to touch no one’s hair but her own.


HAH! I love that picture.

OMG, let go of my hand! Like bitch, was your hand not just in my hair? Go on trick.

Most self-called beauty experts don’t have the first idea what to do with curly hair, let alone black women’s hair.

I don’t spit but I do grab them when they touch my hair. People get really freaked out and lose their shit about it.

I've actually spat on someone who touched my hair on the subway, albeit on their pants, not their face. When asked why I did it, I said I wanted to feel his leg.

Thank you. I just read “Here Come the Janes” for my American horror story literature class and have to write a paper about how it pertains to today.

What the fuck? I felt sympathy pains to my scalp the way she was fucking TEARING up her ponytail hair.

It’s a problematic concept to begin with, effortless hairstyles in under a minute. That works for someone who knows their own hair and doesn’t care that much what it looks like.

In all fairness all of the styles were awful and left the models looking worse after than before.