calembouriste: part deux

the dress is bad

The dress isn’t cute :(

Girl I'm glad I'm not the only one! It's really that bad though.

That dress is and has always been horrible.

Is it wrong that I really really hate that dress? In a way that I’ve lost some measure of respect for her? God I feel shallow

I will never understand people that abuse animals. I just don’t get it.

So. Much. Rage.

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Miami used to have a robust mosquito control, but the county slowly but persistently kept cutting their funding. It went from 40 full-time staff to 4. This outbreak is one we know of because CDC has been so diligent about following up on suspect cases. If Dade county had its way, no one would be tested for the virus

This is something so many people do not understand about funding things like public healthcare and public infrastructure programs. Mosquitos don’t care how rich or poor you are. Neither do viruses or bacteria. They just care if they have a place to breed and a way to get to you.

There was a whole long profile of him in the New Yorker. The gist was, he’s very posh and can’t convincingly play working-class types in Britain, but he totally can in America somehow! West, on the other hand, can’t play American at all, yet he does it over and over and over and over.

Damian Lewis and Dominic Cooper called their fans “psychos” and “fat.”

He can’t help it, he’s a ginger and therefore lacks a soul

Every time I read something Damian Lewis said my illusion of him being as great a person as Major Richard Winters is shattered further. Dude could've learned a thing or two about the character he played.

Yup. I never thought I'd be #Team1D but I'm definitely on his side on this one.

She should be ashamed of herself. He actually asked her not to take pictures of him, so she did it when he was unconscious...hope nobody returns that sort of favor for her.

But it is so ON BRAND with Beiber’s annoying teenage boy persona that he would try and settle a personal score by latching onto someone else’s beef. It’s practically Trumpy of him.

So, a fan has a nice long chat with a friendly international pop star, wants a selfie and the pop star declines because he’s sick, so the fan waits until he’s asleep and then takes a picture and posts it on social media with a gushing commentary? Wow. That is a really shitty thing to do. #thedownsideoffame

I feel like Bieber’s got an issue because I feel fairly sure she’s told Selena Gomez to run far and fast from this douchebag and not look back.

As much as I don’t like Taylor Swift, Beiber is her BFF’s douchebag ex, so Beiber, why don’t you just fucking stay out of this one, alright?