calembouriste: part deux

Being a parent is the best thing ever. fullstop. Nothing on earth comes close to the joy that parenting will bring. Children are not parasites, they are beautiful dependant human beings that we get the awesome responsibility of moulding into fully functioning adults. Our society has lied to us big time - it’s not all

I was on the fence for a long time and deeply looked into “Child Free by Choice” communities (i have so many friends who are CFbC). I honestly was not sure for a long, long time.

Figure out why you want kids and what’s holding you back, then make your decision. In my case, I desperately wanted kids, but was terrified of what having them might do to my marriage. (Why yes, my parents did get divorced three times — from each other and then from their 2nd spouses.) A lot of therapy later, I have a

My 3 sons are grown now and I can unequivocally say that my life would be incomplete if I hadn’t had them. Yes, I had a fulfilling career, but it would not have been enougn for me.

My childless aunt once said to me, “You know, there are worse things in life than not having children.” Wise words, wise lady.

It's a trap. And if you are on the fence, you probably shouldn't. There are days that I, who carefully planned for and very much wanted my kids, regret all of it. Give yourself a little time. Someone said kids are like a face tattoo: you've gotta be really committed because there's no going back.

So in other words they read the most popular mommy bloggers and mommy forums and copied the subject matter they saw there.

Hello, I know this is kind of a random thread, but do you have any words for women who are on the fence about having children?

As a mom to a 3-year-old, I completely agree: motherhood is damn difficult, and also the most basic-ass job on the planet.

Yeah, especially the older picture, which totally looks like something from like, a fan meet and greet, rather than a post-fame Taylor Swift meeting another celebrity.

Ugh I feel bad for Britney on this one. It reads as funny/shady but like, how many people do you think she’s taken pics with in her life? How many people are like ‘OMG BRITNEY’ and she’s supposed to remember every single one? I mean, lol because Taylor is mega-famous now but I’m willing to give Britney a pass on not

Questioning my life, and why I already knew Pauly had a pierced penis.

Went through as much of his Instagram as I could tolerate (not much) and what was most shocking to me was the sheer number of people smoking. All the money in the world isn't gonna protect you from cancer. It still just blows my mind that people smoke.

ya but Colin and rest of them turned out to be ok so far

Baby boy is a self absorbed drug addicted idiot who didn’t commit one crime, but multiple crimes, theft, resisting arrest, drug possession and arguably could be charged with automobile burglary which would be a felony (breaking and entering the cab, the breaking would be constructive as had the driver known Mr Fancy

this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.

i’m a pacifist but i felt some legit french revolution stirrings upon viewing the instagram account of this modern-day dandy.

I scrolled through since you mentioned it.... Every photo is dripping in luxury yet everyone looks completely miserable. Or empty? I’m not sure. It left me with a weird feeling.

To birth one asshole may be regarded as a misfortune (see Chet Haze and Tom Hanks); to birth two looks like bad parenting.

A story about Peter and Harry Brant from the comments of a 2012 Jezebel story about Peter (…), which I immediately thought of because the amount of utterly clueless privilege is just painful: