calembouriste: part deux

i have made this all about me youre welcome

someone has adultosaur on twitter and tumblr and i am positive its a personal attack because neither are actually in use

Her and William H Macy are one of those couples I am embarrassingly invested in. They better never break up! (if they have in fact broken up, just please don’t tell me)

So I finally decided to finish setting up my account on the Twitter (I started months ago but lost interest when the name I wanted to use wouldn’t fit), and my account was suspended before I even tweeted anything and when I finally get ‘em to let me use it I was somehow following almost a thousand people.

I think Bette’s point is that working-class people have to pay someone’s salary for three months. That’s a lot to expect from people who don’t have wealth or high incomes.

Maybe she really just didn’t know that parents have figured out how to deal with their kids during the summers.

I wanna know why Bette specified this summer. Is it somehow different from all other summers? Did every community camp get closed across the nation or something?

I’m always with Jamie Lee Curtis.

“Put that away and talk to me” Kendall says on a media platform that people read, ostensibly using the very device she is subtweeting. Meta.

Hey, those thermos’ ain't cheap.

Somewhere M. Night Shayamalamadingdong is crying because he didn’t think of it first.

And don’t forget to highlight that “peaches & cream complexion” in the portrait.

My birthday is in May. Please make sure I’m a “pefect size 6" in the picture and that the lighting really captures my “golden blonde locks” and “Aquamarine eyes”

I’m genuinely confused about the facts leading to the murder charge. Have you guys seen the road to Hana? It’s a motherfucking death trap.


“We need to change our names, but I really wanna keep using all my monogrammed stuff...”

Just wait until the dead sister comes back with a completely new face and identity!

So both of these twins were the evil one?

This is really complicated even by soap opera standards.