calembouriste: part deux

Barcode: Frankly, you’ve never even practiced martial arts (I can tell).

It’s possible to teach men not to rape while empowering women. They are not mutually exclusive responses to rape culture. And in fact, saying that men will only see things differently if they end up “with dicks in their asses” only continues rape culture. How gross.

The person you responded to was not making that argument at all, and frankly that is not the consensus here.

I’m not sure why this person is being an asshole to you but I appreciate that you are trying to teach your son what’s right. Our society is filled with messages of the entitlement of men and the worthlessness of women and all we can do is point it out, help others understand, try to change it. Too many parents think

Ha ha ha I love it, she’s literally acting out the embodiment of “Teach men not to rape instead of teaching women not to be raped” and you’re giving her shit for it.

She is trying to teach her son that he is not entitled to anything from anybody, and also personal responsibility. You seem angry that she is acknowledging that the messages he gets at home will conflict with messages he gets from his peers. I don’t understand what you are expecting her to do. Not have boy children?

“Whaddaya mean, ‘SunTrust Park doesn’t count’? It’s got ‘park’ right there in the name!”
-Cobb County commissioners

Just let all the rec-league softball teams that used to use the parks, play instead at the new stadium. Braves fans would appreciate the upgrade in the quality of play actually.

I think you mis-read my post. The point of it was that to counter all of the other messages he is receiving, he needs extra emphasis on personal responsibility for his body and his feelings at home. We are doing our best to teach him this, since he’ll never get it from outside the home.

Agreed. Regarding the parents, let’s rewind to before he decided to murder this poor girl. He was cutting and mutilating himself. If your child is doing this to themselves, they have very large issues. They need to seek a professional to deal with this. You don’t just send them to school, have the school suspend them

No fuck this weak ass excuse for raising entitled shitbags. If your child is showing signs of mental illness it’s a parent’s responsibility to make sure he is getting the help he needs. You don’t shrug and say “you know it’s not that surprising...” once your kid MURDERS someone. This wasn’t mental illness this was an

They did the same shit to Jodi Arias and that lady who threw her daughter in a swamp. The whole legal system is predicated on picking idiot juries and then dressing up suspects as nerds from Saved By the Bell.

The most painful part is that we don’t even have to put the quote up anymore.

Still painfully accurate. And to think the girl warned the school.

I think it’s very telling that his legal team considered then opted NOT to pursue an insanity plea.

Brock Turner’s dad wants to know how many minutes the stabbing took before he decides whether the sentencing is fair or not.

In b4 the Atwood.

Margaret Atwood.

Would have looked worse if she’d written it in her fiction folder.

Tbh, the most interesting thing about this Dirt Bag for me is that Demi Lovato has a file of notes entitled “Poems” on her iPhone. Which is where she then filed a public statement about her breakup. Interesting.