
Thanks again for inspiring me to never have kids. ;)

I have a trebuchet. Are you ready to become airborne?

But clearly you are at fault for not having a bigger gun!

Love it!

The really sad part is that the one person is otherwise a really great person. I honestly wonder if he realizes his racism or if he just thinks Obama is out to steal his guns.

He faked a gf who got into a car accident and recovered only to die from leukemia. Sick, sick, sick lie.

Ugh. Ugh in many levels, but not at all limited to the fact she was so horribly rude to a woman who has extensive professional experience with cases like this versus being all meek to Mr Tv Show.

Funny how that works, isn't it? I have friends I am considering pruning from my life because their blatant racism is shining through with our president. It is disgusting.

True. I am okay with it though. It doesn't always have to be the end of the world with Middle Earth :)

It depends on where you are in the world. In my notoriously insular conservative town, I have seen a woman engage, flirt and openly make out with another woman when they were previously unconnected. I am not saying it is like that in the entire world (obvs) but forcing a separation is not the right way to go about the you mean to tell me YOU wouldn't want some racing rabbits?

You have an excellent point here. While it is part of an identity, most people are not simply about their own sexuality.

While they are based in stereotype (as are populations of people irl) they do spend time developing the characters. This is seen in the life choices you make affecting the way the characters react over time. Ideally, they will mature given the success of the franchise.

Point me to a better option, then. I already said it wasn't perfect, but it is something to build upon.

As a woman who enjoys gaming quite a bit, I would absolutely love to see more representation across the board in games. Not only because it would allow me to have a character to visually connect with (I have never struggled with playing male characters before) but the fact that it allows an alternate and more nuanced

It's adding nuance into a story. The reason Bioware seems to do better than most is because they spend time adding characters which aren't blatant (typically) caricatures of xyz stereotype. Nobody is perfect, but most games could stand some better writers if they choose to include a minority group.

Me too. Haven't had a customer in for hours.

Because sometimes you hit a hell so low that your self-loathing is caressed by hurting yourself in this manner. It is quite something else to hate your body and self so much that you vomit to exercise control and indulge two-fold like this: indulging in the food you crave BECAUSE you know it isn't allowed or good for

Thank you :) I hope to share a little happiness with these. Life gets so busy sometimes that it is very easy to miss out on the wonder and beauty that's right in front of us...

Grass. :)