
I'm not saying I find it acceptable for her to have punched the guy out. On the contrary, I do not believe in violence unless an immediate threat is presented. IF she felt like that, (and none of us are her/were there to be a better judge) then it's on her head.

Exactly. And people have the gall to say rape culture doesn't exist.

:) *returns the hug*

And for you SPN fans:

And here's the part where I mind-bleach all of this awkwardness and replace it with AWESOME:

I've struggled with weight issues for most of my admittedly short life. There is a certain level of hell for people who do this shit, particularly because it comes verrrrry close to giving me anxiety attacks. (I don't get real ones, fortunately. Just stressed out.)

I'd be more inclined to kill myself because I CAN'T have a cat (currently) than to merk myself for any other reason.

I can honestly say I've never heard of anyone trying that.

Nightmares. You just gave them to me.

Still beats the hell out of having your tent destroyed by hail (we had that happen last week).

I will start a photosynthetic movement!

I just laughed so hard I have tears in my eyes :)

Mercury and toxins?

This is why I don't eat fish.


Which I will wholeheartedly encourage.

Just change the time zone on your computer. It'll be okay.

I can't blame you! I rarely go camping (since I work at a state park) but there are alllllll kinds of gadgets people bring to "rough it" for a few days. I especially love the GIANT RV's which bring their satellite dishes for camping purposes. Or the giant projector screens and surround-sound speakers. Tough life, that.

Fair enough :) I typically hold the door if I'm entering and someone is trying to exit, or if someone is close enough to me that the door would not have quite closed by the time they got there. I also do it for people with strollers, wheelchairs/crutches or people with their hands full.

That's interesting. I get thanked every single time I offer to hold the door for people. It's a politeness thing.