
And there's no such thing as sexism in business so this nonsense about pay-disparity should be treated as such.

I bet that was rather unpleasant and likely....crusty.... :(

But when it stops.....

I've never had that problem before, but it sounds awfully ITCHYYYYYYY!

I agree. But these cats have 4 days until they get sent to a kill shelter. People have a little bit more of a safety net than that.

Not sure. It says they're being evicted and they can't afford to care for their cats any longer. I'm assuming they must find some low-income housing somewhere, but most places will not accept pets.

But nothing is worse than the pad of your foot or palm itch!

That's a shame :(

Not that this has anything to do with's just cute.

I'm telling you- you can't go wrong with that list.

Lalalalalalalalalaalaaa I can't hear you! My denial is in full effect.

I will have to watch it. I will be transported to my teenage years....

You are awesome. <3

Yay! Glad to hear you're helping teach in sneaky ways! I had a history teacher who made us wonder how the hell we actually learned stuff because it was so relaxed. He was also awesome and gave me my history textbook and document book.

I'm not from NYC, so I can't help with the society/fashion angle, but when I go out, I do a mental checklist:

Kitty saviors and animal lovers-

I haven't seen Fraiser since I was a kid! It's kinda sad how I had forgotten about it.

I will definitely keep an eye out for it! I love UK shows, so that would definitely be something I'd watch.

Oh, good! Something I can watch by myself! I'm out of work until next month and I can't spend ALL my time playing video games :) (I also don't have cable.)