I sure hope so!
I sure hope so!
I was hoping you were being facetious, but wasn't sure. Sorry.
You might not know it, but you've probably spoken to people who have had one. The thing about abortion is that there's no little scarlet A tattooed upon one's forehead deeming that this person has had one for the rest of the world to comment upon. You could have 100 abortions and nobody would know if you chose to keep…
What's the difference between this and government sanctioned murder? (AKA war)
////// Cut cut cut!
Share pics? I am oddly fascinated by things like this.
Clever, perhaps?
I should introduce you to my sister. 28. Lives in LA but is from Almost-Canada NNY. She gets a girl's football crew together weekly. The menfolk are usually not as into it as the ladies are.
What about aquarium fish? Would the Terrible Towels be ineffective for them?
Lifelong Bills fan here. And Bucs fan because of the bf.
No need to joke. I fully support you in your efforts.
I had some terrible coughing when I used to get chronic bronchitis as a teen. Pulled muscles in my chest which made it suck to breathe/move. My dr gave me codeine cough syrup and some little golden orb liquid gel pills. Those were amazing.
Care to share?
I saw a quote about this in a lady clinic. From a US Senator.
Bait and switch.
First thing I noticed, too. :)
Considering how much nookie some of us get...
Ooooh, I read this piece of trash the other day when my libertarian friend trolled us about it on facebook. 78 posts later.....
Science? What's that nonsense? GOD TALKS TO MEEEEEEE!
Mmmmmm....yummy :)