
Maybe she's just trying to get more awareness of body doubles or dancer life for people who don't know? I'm sure 90% of America was unaware before this debacle about the lives of dancers. In the age of internet, responible gossipers fact-check before talking about it.

Not only that, but he's a really caring and humble guy. He's always back in my nothing area of NNY to help care for his ailing mother. And he quietly mixes in with the rest of us, never making ANY sort of fuss that he's an actor, etc.

It would be even MORE awesome if a live baby popped out of the pie, jut like the pies of old did with birds. Exciting AND memorable!

Hmmmmmm very interesting. I've planned to pretty much cut out all corn and probably potato products (though I hear yams and sweet potatoes are good for you) but I do have a ton of green salsa. How do you prepare lentils to get them to the right consistency? The only time I've ever had them was from canned Campbell's

Good luuuuuuuuuuuuck!

Random addicting thing of my night:

Oooh, that sounds yummy!

So. I have been desperately looking for a real job for this year. Last winter, I took a test for US Customs to become an agent. Found out in Jan that I passed with a 90, which would mean an easy entry based on scores. Been waiting for the budget to pass so I can get hear anything, and lo and behold! I got an email

She kinda looks like Eliza Dushku to me

Is it wrong of me to secretly wish they could be prancing buddies irl?

For like...5 years?

It was only a matter of time before Prancing Leo got a buddy.

Funny. My boyfriend and I just got a coffee maker. I brewed him some for his overnight and I just brewed myself some for giggles.

Times, they are a changin'...

Honorary fetus, considering the circumstances? ;D

That's what the Bible says. Right? Or was it a priest/minister/pastor/evangelical?

It's still kinda funny. Perhaps I am more warped than I knew.

Ahh, sorry. I probably should have made a longer comment. (I originally was going to say something stupid about Kyl leaving your vagina alone if it grew into one, but I thought the humor would be lost in the explanation.)

Did it turn itself into a penis, then?