
@Swifter: the same rule applies when training dogs.

@Thena: quick way to make it to the queendom?

@Rounded: maybe something from The Water Boy?

@littlepinkcake: I think that would be more of a statement. Since, you know, we've been following England's Royal Family Style for weddings since Queen Victoria. It would be an entirely new fad to follow!

I love her. SO. MUCH!

What would really make me happy is if she chose a dress in a provocative (re: not WHITE) color.

@ForgotMyMantra: yeah. I also wish that there wasn't this intrinsic sense of guilt that comes part and parcel (even in liberal areas) by visiting the pharm. for Plan B. It's like they're judging you for being slutty/unsafe/stupid even if the circumstances were not your fault.

@RisaPlata: My parents sat my sister down at 16 and had her try alcohol. She was graduating high school that summer and due to be off to college that August, and they were certain that they were not going to have her go without knowing what the difference between normal, buzzed, and drunk was.

@Brontolona: As opposed to a woman teaching typical female stereotyped things to her daughter?

@scullymurphy: Almost. My mother ALMOST had me on lockdown 24/7. She let me pick my friends, but man...she had some strict rules! She was right in many ways, but it socially stunted me in many others.

@pointfivejew: it's like her almost-non-blinking gaze is tearing your soul out.

@ForgotMyMantra: They're totally fine in NNY. Especially if you're a dude.

I'm working on beating Assassin's Creed 2. Stuck on Visitazione's Secret.

@cand86: There's always the mirror.

That cat's expression reminds me of something I'd see from Get Fuzzy. Bucky Katt, anyone?

@traumamama: Unfortunately, female cattiness is fairly universal in small working groups.

@deeleigh: I guess it all depends on your perspective on what healthy is and how much you should be eating to satisfy your body's needs.

@queenhobart: Ha! I'm with you on that, absolutely! I'm sure you got my point, but it's something to keep in mind that female hygiene to our current standards is only a recent thing, and is not universally employed. Even in our own country.

Is it just me, or does Coco eerily resemble the Jez banner lady?

@CandyBacon: it took me a very long time to realize that we were not all physically born equal.