
You might still be able to order one, if you ask Nabin nicely.

I get it, Quentin. My biological mother will never see a fucking thing from me.

As opposed to belittling the interests of a twelve year old?

Well, what they meant was “the worse drug epidemic in (white, middle class) American history.”

“Blandly positive to the point where it’s hard to discern what level of enjoyment is at hand.”

Here I was hoping for femboy island.

They’re averse to using “female” as an adjective, so...


Still the most brutal scene in the show to me. Straight up hard to watch.

I wouldn’t knowingly become involved with someone that was already in a relationship. If I found out, I would break it off. Cheating is awful, and even though I know I have no obligation toward the wronged party in this case, I would still feel guilty as hell.

Maybe this column has been running for so long that Dan is reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I don’t know what the hell is going on in this movie, but I know I need to see it right away.

Critics will jump through any number of hoops to avoid having to use the H word.

Let me introduce you to a little website called

Yeah, the whole time I was reading this, I was just thinking, “Wait, are they actually pretending that haircut looks good, or is this failed snark?”

This sounds horrid.

Is this album going to explore how marrying union-busting billionaire archcapitalists is actually good and cool and not totally opposed to everything you claim to believe in?

I’m not surprised at this news. The show just wasn’t very good. It had a few great moments, but just sort of dissolved into a huge mess. Of course, I didn’t much like the book either, so I was probably predisposed to dislike it.

Well, you see, it’s about... bikers and, uh... hallucinogens... *mumble*... cyberpunk...

2011 AV Club is a far fucking cry from 2021 AV Club.