
Well, we shall see what people want, what regulators say, and then what actually gets built and sold.

Yes, victory does taste a bit better in that situation and I'm betting his friends aren't letting him forget it with some good natured ribbing. "How could you let a Porsche loose to a Hyundai?"

That's if the owners notice it.

Somehow I doubt that and someone has been shown the door.

Tesla already does and hasn't had any issues with hacking, YET. (fix it for you, you're welcome)

FYI, Dumas won the Open Class, not Unlimited that year, nor had he'd been the Unlimited Class champ in the years prior.

I think one of the big reasons the PM580 isn't talked about much anymore is that it never set the record, and unfortunately, history usually only remembers the winners. The car was very much capable of running a sub 10 minute time (my model estimated 9:30-9:45 based off data) but little issues slowed the car down

Soarer 1JZ to Sc300 swap is the best bang for you buck and easiest way to get some factory turbo love in your SC and I understand why you went that route. Guys that do Supra 2JZ-GTE swaps usually spend twice as much or more for something that is, in my opinion, only marginally better. The 1JZ has less displacement,

FYI "Pinning" is traditionally a term used to describe an iron block repair process for fixing a crack, (where a welded repair is not possible) but I understand what you mean. You're talking about putting a brace between the outside of the cylinder and the inside of the block wall. People typically using a round pin

It has a soft spot in my heart too for all the hours and sleepless night of work that went into it. It also really opened my eyes on the performance potential of and quality of engineering and build that Hyundais have these days.

Yes, most factory pistons are pretty good now a days in handling extra power to an extent with some exceptions (IS350 is one that comes to mind) but in our case, we had no knowledge of how good/bad the Lambda pistons were so went with aftermarket forged guys as we knew those would last with the cylinder pressures we

The stock pistons actually held up pretty well as we didn't have any failures, but going to the forged aftermarket ones made us all feel a bit better as we didn't know how long the stock ones would actually last under the abuse we were putting them under.

Interesting that you posted a Model X Alpha photo, as I have also done work on it also (I'm a former Tesla engineer) in addition to the Genesis so they are actually somewhat related in a small way through me.

Yes, it affected him - no more parts or financial support from Hyundai any more.

Dumas was not happy to say the least - he was only 0.017 seconds behind Millen. I have to give him props though as he drove the crap out of that 911, and it was naturally aspirated which is a big disadvantage at Pikes Peak due to the high elevation.

Kinda, see my post below.

The picture and video brings back some memories for me, as I was the electronics engineer / engine tuner of that car (I also did the electronics engineering and engine tuning on the PM580 Pikes Peak car and the RM460 Mid-Engine V8 car) so here's a little background and my first hand account on my experiences working

I think Ford finally has it's head screwed on straight with the US finally getting the Focus RS and the Europeans finally getting the Mustang. Oh, and that new blue car everyone is jabbering about lately.

Although battery energy density is still crappy compared to hydrocarbons, it's improving all the time. Hopefully someone will come through with a breakthrough akin to vacuum tubes vs. transistors when it comes to electrical energy storage density. (Quantum traps for electrons might be the game changer?)