Caleb Goldberg

Just another boring recent episode. That said, I'm happy with them for putting in what has to be a Trump joke ("If I don't win the contest, it's rigged!")

No it isn't.

Seriously? Said previous description is just about as perfect a description of Trump as you can get. Uber-rich? Check. Thinks he can get away with anything? Double check. Do you seriously not see the connection?

Boy, critics are stupid.

I suspect it will continue right up until Trump's final moments.

I mostly liked the episode, but I was slightly annoyed that April didn't look anywhere near her supposed age. 16 I could maybe buy, but 14? No way. And her character for the most part was very underwritten. When she does have anything to say (which is rare), she's what TV Tropes would call "totally radical" - she's

Agreed. I wish they kept a similar dynamic between the two.

I seem to be in the minority in my thought that this was an excellent episode. I cracked up at the boy's drawing. As everyone's saying, Luke and Manny were awful, though.

Do NOT compare this show to the abomination that is "Family Guy."


Really? I personally hated that part.

Exactly. It's not bad per se, but it isn't exactly good either. As Gabriel Chase says, the energy that used to make the show enjoyable isn't there anymore.

In my personal opinion, the worst character has to be Mitchell. He's a selfish hypocrite who forces others to go against themselves just to make him more comfortable.

But Modern Family is usually the kind of show that cares about and acknowledges continuity (think of Jay's dog figure from Vegas, for instance), so that's still a disappointment.

I agree with many of your thoughts, though I personally thought the Phil/Gloria subplot worked pretty well. As for the main plot, it wasn't great, though I do think it's a bit better than many of this season's plots.

I'm sorry, but I HATE Las Vegas. It's easily my least favorite episode in the whole series. I agree with the rest of the list, though I'd personally add "Undeck the Halls," "Little Bo Bleep," and "The Musical Man."