Phil Bond

Dude. Devastator’s elbows are perfect. You just don’t have his forearms rotated the right way up. Look at some photos.

Interesting. That's something I might actually do. Thanks.

Rodimus doesn’t turn into a limb. He acts as chest armor like Blackjack does on Menasor. He’s a legends-class figure, not a deluxe. And since he looks like a 100% repaint of Blackjack and not a retool, I’m betting he does the same terrible job of staying attached to Optimus’ chest as Blackjack does with Menasor. It's

You go into creative detail about how much better Superion looks with Quickslinger instead of Alpha Bravo, and then to drive the point home you show us... -BEHOLD- A picture of Superion with Alpha Bravo, and no Quickslinger. See his right shoulder there? That's helicopter guy.

You've never heard of Evangelion? Wow, I can't remember the last time I heard of a nerd who'd never heard of Evangelion.

Racking my brain, I can't think of an arcade game that uses a wired D-pad controller (if you know of one, please mention it in the comments). Ditching joysticks in favor of a pad is off-putting in an arcade environment. It's unnatural. Wired controllers are more of a demo kiosk thing, which makes Pokkén seem like it

Why no pictures of Ness or Charizard?

Never underestimate people's ability to mispronounce names that are constantly said aloud in fighting games, especially Soulcalibur, home of Sop-fit-tia, Zang Shwa, Leishwa, Kaleek, and Zeeba.


Give an unwelcome and crassly phrased opinion, get sarcasm. Tit for tat.

You were so close to getting a serious reply.

They don't unlock an outfit *for* Luigi in Mario Kart 8. They unlock an outfit with Luigi-like markings, and nine other characters, for Mii characters. Especially infuriating is that the Captain Falcon and Luigi Amiibos are the only Mariokart-compatible Amiibos that aren't released yet, and the Captain Falcon outfit

The bezel is just being covered up by a badly superimposed "simulated screen image."

Bashcraft is completely full of baloney. If he'd read the comments section of the Reddit post he based this article on, he'd have seen everyone agree that it's just a badly-superimposed simulated screen image. This is commercial post-production at work here, not a magical new prototype that miraculously looks exactly

It's obviously an inaccurately superimposed simulated screen image. Look at the prop from every other shown angle, and you can see that every stickered-over screw hole, seam and button matches up perfectly to the one and only model ever released. Even the one poorly-composed shot in question matches up perfectly to a

No, the ultimate troll goes like this: Tell people to watch the keynote at 10am to find out when to preorder the 20th Anniversary PS4, hold keynote at 1pm and make no announcement about the preorder. Tell people who call customer service to check their email. Tweet out that you'll be tweeting about it later. Sometime.

This joke always lowers my opinion of the teller.

Correction: only 8 of the original 12 Amiibos work with Mariokart. Not 10. To complete Mariokart's collection of 10 Mii outfits, you need to wait until mid December for the Wave 2 figures including Luigi and Captain Falcon.

VW? I wish.

Came expecting mega Rayquaza, was disappointed. How can they call that the "debut" of Rayquaza, a Pokémon I've had for 11 years?