One Omastar? What a lightweight. This is ridiculous. I've migrated my entire collection several times, carrying hundreds at a time along with me. My sentimental favorite would be my Groudon, "Dr. Thunder," who's been with me for years longer than this joker's young little Fire Red pokémon. I'm sure there are hundreds,…
People who complain about StreetPass are hilarious. Make games where you have to deliberately link to each-other, and it's fine to never use that feature, but make games where it's possible to accidentally link with other players, and all of a sudden people's butts are hurt because they're not making enough accidental…
SpotPass is the passive Internet download function. StreetPass is the passive player link function.
"Be in the same game?"
If you have a 3DS, you have games that use StreetPass. Play with the built-in software more. Specifically the StreetPass Mii Plaza. When I get a tag from someone in MarioKart because everybody finds that feature in MarioKart, but the same person doesn't tag me in the Plaza, I get mad and start thinking mean things…
"I think it has to be in sleep mode while in the game, though I've never used the feature, so I could be wrong,"
Looking at it logically, your odds of getting a streetpass will always be better than your odds of making a deliberate connection with a friend, since it's designed to happen either accidentally *or* deliberately.
"I bet you're a blast at parties" is even more tired than "is it wrong that."
I am incapable of enjoying this game, because I'm on a high horse about the ads showing cleavage on female Starfleet uniforms.
Better than you can say for Snoop Dogg's Tekken song:
Winner, winner: llama dinner.
Peach is her first name, Toadstool is her last name. What's the problem?
Well, shoot. That's embarrassing. In that case, I think I've got some kind of Baader-Meinhof thing going on here.
That's two days in a row I've seen some completely nonsensical usage of "lieu." I'm either missing a reference to something, or something even crazier is happening.
Yeah, for all that effort and detail, wouldn't you be better off being able to keep it for a while?
It's basically the same character, with the last name changed to make a family connection to the Kenways.
Torturous and tortuous do not, I repeat NOT mean the same thing. Look it up.
I used to offer frequent corrections, and I never saw a single one of them get addressed. Here are a few:
"Fear of the Dark" played at about 8 or 9 in the morning. Hm...