Phil Bond

In America, it's spelled "armor."

Translating, since nobody can tell what you're trying to say: "They might as well have superimposed the word 'unoriginal' over every shot. That was pretty unimpressive."

Wow, that's actually pretty clever...

72 comments, and no mention of the fact that 3DS and Wii U VC games have re-loadable save states. Not just suspend options, but the option to create restore points at any moment. Most of the 3DS "Ambassador" releases don't have this implemented yet, but they've been getting patched one at a time, and the only true Wii

Only the Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask is the Hero of Time. There are other games that may or may not have featured the same character, but Minish Cap very especially did not.

What the fuck is The Legend of Link?

Nor III. The pattern is to add them in even-numbered games.

So fetch.

The chance of seeing a shiny pokémon in the wild is one in something-thousand. Like twelve thousand or something.

I don't understand your emoticon.

THAT's why I didn't hate it. I couldn't put my finger on it, thank you.

Please be Metroid please be Metroid please be Metroid please be Metroid...

Shame on you, RazoE.

I see what you did with this on Ni No Kuni. Interesting. "Best" does seem less offensive than "right." It's still an idea that I'm uncomfortable with in a vague way, but that one word makes a difference.

If I was British, and they fed me a Virtual Console game that didn't look like it did on the original console, I'd be upset. The "enhancements" that the Wii U is supposed to offer refer to Miiverse, restore points, and button mapping. Restore points are not trivial. If you want your game to look Japanese/American,

lol, So because they didn't enhance that one thing, the Wii U VC version is "not an upgrade/enhancement?" You're hilarious.

But it's not just tips. Your title implies that your tips are objectively correct, and if I don't do everything you say, I'll be doing it wrong, as if we're talking about 20-year-old games that actually require instructions. When you start applying that model to games that are about exploration, you sound like a

Please stop with "How to play ____ the right way." The whole premise that we need you to tell us how to properly appreciate video games is incredibly insulting.

The ESRB doesn't review 100% of the content in anything. Stuff it always slipping through that would have bumped certain ratings up.

That's insane. If fans can do it that fast, then what takes Nintendo so long?