Phil Bond

I know, right?! Nintendo is TOTALLY going to go bankrupt THIS time. They're CRAZY.

Show me where it says this is supposed to be a cat tail. It looks like a dog tail to me.

People who like them? That would be my first guess.

No, nobody says that. Bashcraft made an error.

Does your definition of "winning" by any chance not include actual winning?

Successful troll is successful.

This is why you fail.

Sega doesn't even rate a mention? Wow.


Why would you admit this?

I like how the Jalopnik article URL still says Tekken. How the Hell did you think that was Tekken?

What does that mean? Everyone can play Spirit Tracks.

Does "accepted" mean that someone important approved this comment? That's frustrating.

That is a horrible, horrible assumption to make. You are aware that people are talking about dual controllers, right? They're not talking about showing different content on the controller and the TV, which is basically the whole point of the Wii U.

None announced yet.

...And who founded the kingdom in which they lived? Come on, Niko spells it all out for you.

They settled a new Hyrule in the land of the native Lokomo. Didn't you play Spirit Tracks?

Man, I'm about as big a Nintendo fan as you'll ever find, but FNSMB. I never want to see that franchise again.


That's the second time today that I've seen someone use "torturous" where I'm pretty certain they meant "tortuous."