Phil Bond

They settled a new Hyrule in the land of the native Lokomo. Didn't you play Spirit Tracks?

Man, I'm about as big a Nintendo fan as you'll ever find, but FNSMB. I never want to see that franchise again.


That's the second time today that I've seen someone use "torturous" where I'm pretty certain they meant "tortuous."

It's not that other e-commerce sites don't go down. It's that nobody writes news stories when it happens, so you don't find out unless you happen to want to use that site at that time.

I cancelled Hulu Plus immediately after signing up when I saw that they didn't have Community. Now, I see Community in that screenshot. Whaaaatever.

Many, many G1 character names were neglected as legally held trademarks of the company, up until a few years after Beast Wars, when Hasbro saw the marketability of nostalgia products. That means that many reissue toys, remake toys, and homage toys have needed to be sold under different names over the last ten years or

I love my Straxus.


Anticipating Blitz has re-energized my interest in Rock Band 3. I must have had something else winning my attention when it came out two years ago, because I've found tons of stuff to do in it. The Career Goals system is pretty great.

Worst pretense for an insult... ever.

Yeah, I was honestly in the mood to just impulse buy it based on the first paragraph, but I kind of need to know the platform first.

Sheesh. Majora's Mask gets fawned over enough without pretending that the Skullkid was an important plot point in Ocarina of Time. Whatever...

"That guy's a wet blanket," said a wet blanket.

I must not have been paying enough attention during Brave.

Probably because there's nothing that needs fixing.

They support Rock Band 3's peripherals by continuing to support Rock Band 3, every week. The Rock Band 3 game disc had about 80 songs on it, but there have been at least a thousand released since it game out. They don't release new Rock Band games to support old peripherals, they release new Rock Band games in order

I support this use of the term "fuck ass."

Pressure-sensitive screens are a proven bad idea. They're not new. It's not a new idea. You want to compare it to Apple's touchscreen designs? It's basically an exaggeration of everything bad about Apple's touch interfaces: the fuzziness, the uncertainty, the lack of standard conventions. You hope I don't work in the

It's not like pressure-sensitive touchscreens don't have a history. I can sum them up in one slice-of-life sentence: "Maybe you're not pressing hard enough."